måndag, maj 13, 2019

Star Trek Seven of Nine

Seven of Nine (born Annika Hansen) is a fictional character who appears in seasons four through seven of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. Portrayed by Jeri Ryan, she is a former Borg drone who joins the crew of the Federation starship Voyager. Her full Borg designation is Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One.[2] The character Seven of Nine arrived just as the character Kes was leaving, and was intended to introduce a foil to Captain Kathryn Janeway in a similar manner as Spock does to Captain Kirk in Star Trek: The Original Series.

Seven of Nine was played by Jeri Ryan for four Voyager seasons. The character was a part of the last four seasons which concluded in 2001 with its seventh season, and Seven was featured in many episodes despite coming later to the series. Seven was introduced in the second part of the episode "Scorpion", the first episode of the fourth season. The character continued to appear throughout the series until the final episode, "Endgame". Stories related to her relationship with Captain Janeway and with The Doctor appeared throughout the series.

Several episodes, such as "The Raven", explored her background and earlier life as Annika Hansen before she was assimilated by the Borg. Her romantic life is a mystery due to her Borg emotional restrictions; she does proposition Harry Kim but he turns her down. Later on, with the Doctor's assistance, she tries dating other crew unsuccessfully, while later exploring intimate relationships with a hologram of Chakotay. Finally, in the series finale Endgame she is involved in a short-lived romantic relationship with Chakotay which includes at least three dates and a first kiss before she "alters the relationship's parameters". However, in one alternate timeline they get married, and in another she is killed along with the rest of the Voyager crew ("Timeless").

Her real name was known to her crewmates, but after joining the Voyager crew she chose to continue to be called Seven of Nine, though she allowed "Seven" to be used informally.

Seven of Nine var från början tilldelad, av borgerna, att hjälpa Janeway i kampen mot art 8472 (Scorpion, del II). I mötet med art 8472 så förstördes skeppet som Seven of Nine kom ifrån och kopplades på det viset bort från borgkollektivet. I och med att hon kopplades bort från borgerna så började hennes mänskliga fysiologi att ta över och doktorn var tvungen att ta bort en del av hennes borgimplantat för att hon skulle överleva.

Seven of Nine såg i början inte sig som människa eftersom hon nästan hela sitt liv levt som borg och det var svårt för henne att anpassa sig till livet ombord USS Voyager och friheten. Janeway tar henne under sin vinge och hjälper henne att hitta sin individualitet och vägen tillbaka till det mänskliga samhället.

Doktorns noteringar:

Seven of Nine som borg.

Den föredetta borgen känd som Seven of Nine har blivit bortkopplad från borgkollektivet genom neutraliseringen av hennes övre ryggrads nervmottagare. Totalt har 82 procent av hennes borghårdvaruimplantat tagits bort. De kvarvarande biologiska-implantaten har stabiliserats och är nödvändiga för hennes överlevnad.

Stjärnflottans register indikerar att Seven of Nine förut var Annika Hansen. Annikas föräldrar rapporterades senast att ha lämnat en avlägsen utpost i Omegasektorn, på väg mot deltakvadranten i en liten farkost, SS Raven. Det är möjligt att familjen Hansen var de första människorna som assimilerades av borgerna.

Efter Voyagers återkomst till Jorden blev Seven of Nine rådgivare till en s.k. tänke-tank (eng. think-tank) med syfte att hjälpa Federationsrådet. Hon tjänar där tillsammans med Doktorn. Hon flyttar in och lever nu hos Irene Hansen, hennes faster. (Old Wounds, m.fl.)

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